Sharing nudes & sexualised images

Risks around sharing nudes & sexualised images

Support for issues raised in Circle North, Episode Two: Message Received.

In Message Received we see how Anna’s trust was broken by Taylor. Taylor could not trust Ronnie to keep Anna’s images to himself and soon everyone had seen what she believed would be kept private. What was seen by some as a joke went onto become a very serious situation for everyone, involving the police, punishment, and harm to Anna’s mental health.

5 facts about sexualised images and nudes


Fact One

Images sent on sites like Snapchat can still be saved and screenshotted.


Fact Two

It’s not okay for someone to pressure you into sending a nude.


Fact Three

Sending or receiving a nude when you’re under 18 is against the law.


Fact Four

Not everyone in a relationship will share nudes.


Fact Five

If something goes wrong, there’s support to help.

What can you do?

If you’ve sent a nude and you’re worried about what might happen, there are things you can do:

Ask for the message to be deleted
Explain that you’re not comfortable with them keeping the picture and ask them to delete it.

Don’t reply to threats
Don’t reply to someone trying to threaten or blackmail you, and don’t send more photos. It can be scary, but it can help you to keep in control.

Talk to someone you trust
Talking can be frightening, especially if you’re being threatened. But it can also help you get support and stay in control. 

Use Report Remove to get it removed from the internet
If you’re under 18 and a nude image or video has been shared online, Childline and the Internet Watch Foundation can help you get it removed from the internet.

Report what’s happened
If you’re under 18 and you’re worried or being threatened you can make a report to CEOP. Making a report isn’t confidential but it does mean that they can help to stop what’s happening.

Get help with how you’re feeling
Having a nude shared by other people or being threatened isn’t your fault. If you’re struggling to cope or you don’t know what to do, talk to an adult you trust or an organisation such as Childline.

Source: Childline

Getting an image or video taken offline

Young people under 18 who are worried that a sexual image or video of them may have been shared online can use Childline and IWF’s Report Remove tool.

This allows you to report an image or video shared online, to see if it is possible to get it removed. 

You might be required to prove their age with a form of ID.

For more information and to get help:



In Message Received, Anna suffers from feelings of self-harm. 

Young Minds have created information about self-harm and how to get help here.

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